Our Newest Edition: “A Medieval Surgery, Illustrated”

SourceLab is excited to announce the publication of a new edition: “A Medieval Surgery, Illustrated: The First Recorded Surgical Separation of Conjoined Twins.” This edition presents a folio of an illustrated twelfth-century manuscript that depicts a surgical procedure undertaken by Byzantine doctors to separate a pair of conjoined twins. This fascinating edition not only sheds light on the practice of medicine during the tenth century, but also discusses histories of (dis)ability, chronicle writing, and manuscript production in the Middle Ages.

Check it out on our “Publications” page or at the following link!


Introducing “The Birth of Pussy Riot: Six Early Songs”

SourceLab is excited to announce our newest published edition: “The Birth of Pussy Riot: Six Early Songs.” This edition, authored by Jamie Hendrickson, investigates the origins of the Russian, feminist, punk rock band through the lens of their earliest songs and performances. With extensive translations of the Russian lyrics and blog posts by the band, this edition offers readers an accessible glimpse into the heart of the modern Russian protest movement through some of its most essential voices.

Check it out on our “Publications” page or at the following link!
